Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End of the Year

Welp, I finished my first year of graduate school! And I think I even managed to do it with a 4.0! It was touch and go this semester, however. Thank you to all who listened to me whine and cry over apparently nothing. It didn't feel like nothing at the time, and I appreciate your patience with me.

Now I am packing up to head home. It should be pretty straightforward and easy. You would think. But nothing is ever straightforward and easy in my mind. I am utilizing a storage company for the first time in my life. And maybe its because its a new experience, maybe its because I'm intellectually and emotionally taxed and exhausted, maybe its because I've somehow trained my mind to be in a constant state of this:


Or maybe it is a combination of everything. But the next thing I know I am crying over hangers. Hangers. Because I cannot fit them into any boxes. What is wrong with me? Don't answer that!

I think I may just toss them and try to see it as a liberating experience: I am the master of my domain! I just finished my first year of grad school. I can make decisions! I can do anything! I can throw out hangers if I want! At least, that is what I am trying to do. 

Home soon. Can't wait.  


  1. hangers can be tricky :)

  2. new post, new post, new post!!! show us what you're up to in great old kansas!
